184: How to Share Your Faith When You Don’t Know a Lot of Scriptures

Oct 27, 2023

How to Share Your Faith When You Don’t Know a Lot of Scriptures

It’s Faith Friday! Have you ever wanted to share your faith journey but hesitated because you felt you didn’t know enough Bible? Today, I’m going to address a common concern: How can you share your faith when you don’t know many scriptures? 

You’re not alone if you’ve felt this way. Many Christians hesitate to share their faith because they believe they need to be Bible experts.

Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words.” Your life is a testament to your faith. Be mindful of how you live.

Three keys to sharing your faith are: 

  1. Live your life in a way that compels people to want to know Christ.
  2. Learn the art of listening.
  3. Share your story in relation to God’s story.

sharing your faith in a simple way
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We’ve all met Christians who talk a lot about their faith but don’t seem happy or kind. Ensure your actions align with your beliefs, even though you’re not perfect. Your life is your first testimony.

To share your faith effectively, remember that you have to earn the right to be heard. Listen genuinely and empathetically when conversing with others. 

Cultivate the skill of being interested in people’s lives. Earn the right to speak by first listening. This isn’t a bait-and-switch strategy; it’s about genuine curiosity and care, not being opportunistic.

When sharing your faith, think of it like recommending your favorite movie or restaurant. You don’t need a complex strategy to share what excites you. Be passionate and specific. What about your faith excites you? Share that with the same enthusiasm.

Now, here’s the key: Share your story. You may not know all the scriptures, but you know why you became a Christian and how Jesus transformed your life. Describe who you were before, who you are now, and how Jesus impacted you. This is how you share your faith effectively. Connect your story to God’s story.

God’s story is simple to understand. It has three parts:

  • We were separated from God because of sin, stemming from Adam and Eve’s actions in the Garden of Eden.
  • God sent Jesus as a substitute to take away our sins. He died, was buried, and rose again, gaining victory over everything, including death.
  • Jesus is returning (called the second coming of Christ) to gather those who believe in Him to reign in a new heaven and a new earth.

So, your faith story relates to these three elements. You don’t need to be a Bible expert. But having a basic knowledge of the Gospel, or God’s story, is essential. Sharing your faith is about your personal journey with Jesus and connecting that journey to the broader story of God.

Don’t be intimidated by your lack of scripture knowledge. Your experience and passion for your faith are what matter. Make your faith conversations genuine, filled with empathy, and relatable. You have something precious to share, so be excited about it.

I hope this episode inspires you to share your faith confidently. Remember, it’s not about being a biblical scholar; it’s about sharing your personal journey and the transformative power of faith. 

ALSO LISTEN TO: How to Hear God’s Voice

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