203: Ladies, You Are More than a Sex Object!

Jan 2, 2024

203: Ladies You are more than a Sex Object


If there’s one thing that pushes my buttons, it’s the objectification of women. Women have been indoctrinated to believe their worth is in their bodies alone. But there is so much more to the worth and value of a woman! In the sea of opinions, philosophies, and societal pressures, it’s easy to get lost in the noise and lose sight of what truly matters – our self-worth. Whether you’re a Christian woman, a non-Christian, young, old, black, white, thin, or heavy, the pervasive issue of objectification affects all of us.

In a world inundated with messages about power, success, and beauty, it’s vital that we pause and reflect on what truly defines our essence as women. The culture around us incessantly screams sex as the ultimate idol; it’s interwoven into every aspect of our lives. From power women on TV to seemingly glamorous “power couples,” the narrative often revolves around objectification of women.

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Challenging the “Norms” Surrounding Objectification of Women

It’s time to challenge prevailing norms and be protectors of women rather than passive observers. The urgency lies not only in acknowledging the problem but in taking decisive steps to transform our lives and relationships. Real relationships require real conversations about the issues affecting us. 

Women  are called to evaluate their self-presentation, emphasizing that true power extends beyond the physical. It urges a shift in mindset, steering away from the prevalent notion that self-objectification is a means to gain power. Instead, the call is to rediscover our intrinsic value, a concept deeply rooted in the understanding of self as intricately designed by a higher power.


Key Takeaways from this Episode:

1. Be mindful of how you dress.

I urge women to dress in a way that reflects their intrinsic value, steering away from clothing choices that may objectify themselves or send unintended signals. Be cute, but keep it classy.

2. Be mindful of the media you consume.

The objectification of women is pervasive in our media. Implementing intentional changes in media consumption, such as listening to the messaging of your music, filtering content that objectifies women or distorts healthy relationship dynamics, and monitoring what you watch on TV and social media goes a long way.

3. Expand your mind.

You are more than your body. It’s been said the mind is a terrible thing to waste, and how very true that it. Grow your mind! Beef up your educational efforts, including reading and understanding the Bible, to rediscover your identity beyond societal expectations.

4. Connect the dots with communication in relationships

If you’re in a relationship, work on your connection outside of the physical attraction. I encourage couples to discuss boundaries, expectations, and mutual respect to build a foundation that your relationship can be sustained by.

5.Champion change: Men step up!

If you’re a man, we, ladies, need you to step up. We need our men to accept an active role in reshaping societal norms, becoming protectors rather than passive spectators. Technically, this call to action extends to both genders, fostering an environment where genuine transformation in our relationships can occur. By actively engaging in the conversation surrounding objectification, men can contribute to dismantling harmful stereotypes and supporting the journey towards authentic self-worth.

By embracing our authentic selves and rejecting the confines of the objectification of women, we can pave the way for genuine connections and more meaningful, intimate relationships.


Links Mentioned in this Episode:

  1. Get Your Free Conversation Starters Guide Here 
  2. Watch the podcast on YouTube! 



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