How To Make Friends

Jul 20, 2018

How True Friends are Made

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Women. We just want real friends. We want to know how to make friends with other women who are loyal, loving and leanable. Okay, I made up the word “leanable,” but it went with my failed alliteration attempt. You know what I mean, we want women we can lean on. We are tired of fake, shallow, self-absorbed posers. We, women, want to do life with other women who just “get us.”

So why is it so hard to make friends sometimes? How can we have 500 contacts in our phone, yet not be sure we can call on any of them when times get tough?  How can we have hundreds of “friends” on social media, but no one calls to invite us to coffee or lunch? Why do we feel like the odd girl in the room at the office party? Is it us? Are we somehow putting off some invisible friend repellant?

Ladies, it’s not you. Well, maybe it is. Let’s rephrase. There is nothing wrong with you. But, if you are struggling with how to make friends, it could be you. It could be your fears, your worries, your own insecurities. It could be that you don’t take initiative to put yourself out there. It could be that you aren’t willing to be vulnerable in the friendship department.

Girlfriend Convos: How to Make Friends

I know the struggle. For years, before I truly learned how to make friends, I felt like the lone ranger of any group. Before I found my precious circle of sisters, I didn’t have any real, close friends. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve always been surrounded by people. I had tons of acquaintances and a large family. And if you are a visible face for a large organization or church, like I am, you’ll have many admirers. But friends? The ones I did have left me wanting. Now I realize it was because I was scared to go too deep with them. What would they think if they knew the real me? Because I was ruthless with my own self-judgments, I thought everyone else would be too. So I hid.

This traumatic topic came up again when I sat down for a conversation with some of my girlfriends on this Friendship Friday. It was as if one woman could pick right up on next sentence that the previous woman shared. We nodded our heads in agreement and collectively teared up as we listened to each other’s plight.

I knew this was a conversation other women needed to hear. I am thrilled to present to you Real Relationship Talk:  Girlfriend Convos – Episode 1: How True Friends are Made. My fierce hope is that you, too, will find the friends you’re meant to have, and that you will not only learn howto make friends, but that you will create friendships with the most fabulous, funny and fiercely loyal friends your sweet heart could ever dream of.

Real Relationship Talk: Girlfriend Convos – Episode 1: How Friends are Made

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