Enemies of Your Relationship to Avoid

Oct 26, 2018

5 Enemies of Your Relationship or Marriage

enemies of your relationship and marriage
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Every relationship goes through struggles from time to time. There are, however, some enemies of your relationship that are out to destroy. If not identified and “neutralized,” these enemies will damage your love and wreck your relationship. There are, of course, more than five, but these are the ones we will focus on: apathy, comparison, unforgiveness, fear and shame.

When I first got married, I had no idea these relationship enemies were “lying in wait,” ready to attack my fresh, new marriage. We thought love would conquer all. Boy oh boy! Little did we know, once these enemies sank their claws into our relationship, it would take a load of diligence, understanding, patience, discipline, resilience and a LOT of prayer to drive them out.

But instead of simply writing about each of these enemies, I thought I’d break each one down in video format. If you’re new to who I am, just know, I LOVE videos! Communicating by video can be much more personal, and it allows me to be even more transparent. Take a listen to the introductory video where I discuss the 5 enemies of your relationship or marriage you will want to avoid.

The Value of a Relationship Coach

Don’t you hate it when you’re driving down the road, and someone is flickering their lights at you and you have no idea why? Recently, I was driving to Richmond on Highway 460 (which is a major speed trap in the Hampton Roads, VA area where I live). As I was driving, there was a car coming in the opposite direction flickering its headlights. I looked all around and didn’t see anything, but because I’m smart, I slowed down. The next car drives by, flickering its lights, too, so I thought, surely, there’s something out here. Moments later, I saw the sneaky, little cop lying in wait, ready with radar gun in hand.

This is why I believe every person and every couple should have some sort of mentor or coach, because there are people in our lives who have been where we’re going who can alert us to dangers and pitfalls along our way.

In relationships, and especially in marriage, there are dangers, enemies, and pitfalls along our journey. It’s been said that you don’t know what you don’t know. It sounds so simple, but it’s so true. My husband, Shaun, owns a lawncare business. Recently, his most expensive piece of equipment, his riding lawnmower, failed, seemingly out of the blue. He brought it back home and was out in the garage for several hours trying to fix it. Next, he went out to buy parts for it, but still couldn’t get it to work. After taking it to a mechanic, he was told the lawnmower’s engine had failed, likely because the oil had been steadily running out. What started off as a simple problem (not having enough oil) turned into a major catastrophe, causing him thousands of dollars! To put it in perspective, a quart of oil is $5.99!

This is what happens all the time in marriages and relationships. What starts off as a small problem grows into a major disaster, when left unattended. This is how many marriages end up in affairs and in divorce.

It truly is my privilege in life to be able to share from my own mistakes, experiences and victories to help you have a better marriage. Shaun and I are not experts, but after nearly 20 years of marriage, we have some wisdom under our belt.

So be sure to check out these videos on the 5 enemies of your relationship or marriage to learn how to avoid them so your marriage or relationship doesn’t end up blowing up!

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  1. Relationship Issues You Can't Ignore - Real Relationship Talk - […] I launched a series on relationship issues called 5 Relationship Enemies to Avoid, accompanied by some pretty vulnerable videos.…
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