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Spring Will Come - Real Relationship Talk

Spring Will Come

Mar 21, 2011

Driving in the rain to my son’s preschool this morning, I was again reminded that Spring is here.  I can hardly believe it.  It seems like only yesterday when my husband and I were braving below freezing temps to pick out the perfect Christmas tree.

This past winter was unusually harsh in Virginia Beach, where I live. Temps often dipped in the low twenties and snow fell on several different occasions.  “I’m not used to this weather!” I often moaned. You see, I grew up here and can count on one hand the times we have had snow in my lifetime. I would open my closet door and long for the days when I could wear my strapless tank tops and flip flops again. 

Now, all of the sudden, it seems, Spring has come. A few days ago, we were in the mid-eighties!  I was lovin’ it! Even with today’s rain, temps hovered near 60.  It’s true, I said to myself.  Spring has come just like I knew it would. 

That got me thinking.  How often when we are in the midst of a crisis, an unforeseen occurrence or tragedy do we think, “I’m never going to recover from this” or “Will this ever end?”  But, no matter how bleak your circumstances, the good news is Spring Will Come!  It has to.  Just like God has ordained the astronomical seasons, so He has ordained the seasons of your life. I love how Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” (NLT) Hear that?  Everything has its appointed time or season. 

I had been going through a difficult season in one of my relationships.  No matter how hard I prayed or tried, nothing seemed to work.  As a matter of fact, things only seemed to get worse. When I read Ecclesiastes 3:1, however, I was at peace.  I knew that God was able to bring an end to that season of strife and misunderstanding.  And He did.  Now, that relationship has been restored.  It’s like it’s raining love now!

All in God’s time.  Remember, Spring Will Come.  Just wait for it.  I know that’s the hard part but no matter how much we push or pull, no matter whether or not the groundhog sees his shadow, it is destined that the seasons do change  . . . in God’s perfect timing.

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  1. PB Wynn

    This is so timely!Sometimes when we're under the cloud of affliction, it's hard to remember that "this too will pass". Our God is faithful! He has orchestrated the seasons and when His purpose has been fulfilled, He'll take us safely to the next one.
    Praise God for the revelation He gives you. You are such a blessing and a true woman of God!

  2. Dana Che

    Thank you so much! This is def a lesson I have continue to remind myself of.

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